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What is Hyperacusis?

Hyperacusis is a rare hearing disorder where sounds others perceive as normal seem uncomfortably — and often unbearably — loud. It’s also described as decreased sound tolerance, or DST.

People with normal hearing experience a range of sounds with varying degrees of loudness. In contrast, people with hyperacusis experience sound in general with the volume turned too high. ​The experience can take a toll on your mental health, causing you to feel irritable and anxious. Hyperacusis can impact your social life, too. Some people with hyperacusis avoid social situations to reduce the risk of experiencing intense loudness.

These symptoms can negatively impact your mental health and social life. The constant experience of feeling overwhelmed with intense, unpleasant sounds can lead to:

Some examples of common sounds in everyday life that may feel intolerable to someone with hyperacusis include:

  • A group of people chatting

  • Music 

  • Household electrical appliances running



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